Darcine’s Day is a short film directed by Aaron Goffman of Valley Props, the tale of a divorced and unemployed young woman making her way through the unforgiving landscape of post-pandemic Los Angeles. She tries to do everything right – help others, apply for jobs, find an apartment, or just survive her day – only to end up in the most surprising and tragic of places by the end of the day. I storyboarded a pivotal scene in this film, and worked as a creative consultant. Once the film wrapped, i was commissioned to do the film’s distinct, watercolor-style posters featuring the entire cast. Here is the result. The film is now being shown in live screenings across the world, so check to see if it will be coming to a theater or festival near you!
“Great Wave of Bunnies” was a commission for a New Year’s Card for 2023, the Year of the Rabbit. Look closely into the waves, and you will see rabbits in the foam.